Precious Things in Peru: The Search for Gold

November 30, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Gold Products

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Home Page > Business > International Business > Precious Things in Peru: The Search for Gold

Precious Things in Peru: The Search for Gold

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Posted: Dec 18, 2009 |Comments: 0
| Views: 214


Peru is an interesting country in that it has been forged by the Conquistadors, brought into modern times by the Japanese (including a famous Peruvian leader with Japanese DNA) and may fall into the orbit of Mainland China. Peru, like many Latin American countries, can indeed be seen as a natural resource colony for Asia’s emerging power houses.

According to an NGO worker based in Costa Rica, “America is losing power by the day and is no longer able to keep China out of Central and South America, nor Russia for that matter.”

In the wake of these erstwhile geopolitical changes, astute Latin America watchers may well ask what’s going on in Peru? According to Linda Dixon, an American gold entrepreneur now based in Peru, that South American nation ranks high in both silver and gold production. Corporations which may or may not adhere to environmentally-sound mining procedures are assessing the risks in the marketplace in regard to the terms of capital investment, borrowing and the rate of return. Opportunities exist in abundance for the small to medium scale investor.

A lack of solid English-language coverage of the precious metals industry in Latin America, says Dixon, makes the whole assessment process less than perfect. Fifty-plus percent returns are possible on small mining concession in Peru. This is something American and Western investors may well want to consider for their portfolio.

US$ 50 to $60,000 investments might be considered prudent, as a sort of micro-lending on steroids. Dixon might well take note of the fact that roughly 15 million artisanal gold miners are digging for gold right at this very moment to the four corners of the Earth.

Again we must ask “Why all the fuss about gold?” Almost everything in America that can be monetized (from AIG and major bank debt to stay at home mothering vs. day care) has already been monetized. After the housing and IT bubbles burst, there is no new source of wealth creation. America has been systematically de-industrialized. In times of bust and fear gold reigns supreme.

Gold mining in Peru offers low overhead and no shortage of buyers (in Latin America, North America, the West and the world.) On-line, vertically integrated real time data on gold extraction, procurement, spotting, selling, acquisition as well as personal and industrial use is not far off. Analyzing and profiting from extraction, refining and selling of gold directly to buyers with a “premium to spot” is the order of the day for entrepreneurs like Dixon.

Digging Deeper in Latin America

Surely there is a great global hunger for gold – but whom do you listen to and where to you go to follow the process of gold’s “liberation” from the ground? With on-line data becoming available, from A to Z and every stop of the gold process along the way will be as convenient as reading the box scores of Major League Baseball on your laptop during the Fourth of July. And make no mistake – Latin America, especially Peru, Argentina and Chile, will be a part of the 21st Century gold rush. There is more mineral exploration going on in Latin America than any other region in the world. One out of every four mineral exploration dollars these days is being spent in Latin ameirca.

According to Ceri Jones’, Manic mining in Latin America, “In Argentina for instance, 75% of the mining region has not yet been explored. Barrick Gold Cor’s Pascua-Lama, which straddles the border between Argentina and Chile at a pant-inducing altitude of 15,000 feet. Barrick, the world’s third-biggest gold producer, had planned to move glaciers to get at the gold underneath, but the project has been delayed by wrangling with the local community in the Huasco valley who fear that the massive open-pit gold mine, expected to come on stream in 2009, will contaminate their fields and deplete water supplies.” Jones’ article echos Dixon’s concerns about the viability of environmentally friendly and sustainable mining practices.

Concerning the future of mining in Peru, Jones’ article added, “Australia’s BHP Billiton has had to work hard to come to an agreement with residents near its inherited Tintaya mine in southern Peru. Many of the miners operating in the region are global companies such as Barrick, Falconbridge, Newmont, BHP Billiton, and Phelps Dodge. Toronto-based Barrick, which operates 14 mines including projects in Peru, Chile, Argentina and Tanzania, is worth a mention because last year it produced almost 5.5 million ounces of gold, at a cash cost of just $227 per ounce, the lowest cost of all major producers.

“For a pure Peruvian play, Antamina is the country’s leading producer of zinc and the second largest of copper and molybdenum. The company increased its output by over 20% last year. Southern Copper Corporation is a producer of copper, molybdenum, zinc and silver located in Peru and in Mexico. Quoted in New York, the company acquired Minera Mexico last year, and now has a range of operations, including the Toquepala and Cuajone mine complexes in Peru, and both open-pit and underground operations in Mexico which produce zinc, lead, copper, silver, gold and coal.

“One of the most admired miners is Peru’s Buenaventura, a precious metals specialist with a shareholding in Minera Yanacocha. Quoted in Lima and New York, Buenaventura has two growing underground goldmines and the fourth largest silver mine, and a reputation for the best geological information in Peru.

“For instance, Antamina in Peru employs 1,400 workers and is one of the main sources of well-paid work in the country, particularly in Ancash. In five years, per capita income is expected to double in the area. In fact, Peru’s economy grew at its slowest pace for two years in April as fishmeal, natural gas and manufacturing output declined, leaving the economy remaining buoyed only by its $10 billion mining exports and $1.5 billion in natural gas sales.

Jones salutes Invesco which is a “Perpetual Latin American fund, run by Dean Newman, has performed well, up 36.6% on the year and 194.5% over three years against sector rises of 17.8% and 62.1% respectively. Other specialist trusts include Scottish Widows Latin America fund, and Threadneedle Latin American fund, which have both made around 35.5% over one year and 163% over three years, although the latter has a higher minimum investment at £2,000. The UBS Global Emerging Markets fund has around 18% in Latin America, and Axa Emerging Markets fund and First State Global Emerging markets both have around 16% in the region.”

An Ancient Quest for Gold

During the days of Ancient Rome, a military general and fire department chief named Crassus was worth almost US$ 170 billion in today’s paper denominated world. (As ranked by Forbes). Crassus, seeking to imitate Alexander the Great and conquer India, took his expeditionary legions into Turkey. There he hoped to fight and defeat the Parthians and capture Mesopotamia and Persia. Crassus ignored the advice of his advisors who though he should invade through Armenia and saw his son killed. Crassus himself had liquid molten gold poured down his throat and was decapitated. His head was used in a theatrical play by those who slew him.

Today’s modern English dictionary contains the word “crass” as a reminder to those whose thirst for gold bullion may well be as unquenchable as Crassus’ was. Such a lessen cannot be lost on those readers in tune with the de facto paradigm of the post-American world of oligarch-led finance capitalism. Acting in the face of the conundrum driven by exotic financial instruments like derivatives and the securitization of the so-called sub- prime mortgages, the Fed has printed up Monopoly money out of thin air and bought off/rescued revolving door cronies on Wall St. via their “good old boy” network.

Meanwhile ordinary Americans have no choice but to watch helplessly as American manufacturing, off shoring, 20 million illegal immigrants, legal immigrant visas and other economy destroying phenomena have combined to set up “the perfect storm” of the economic Armageddon we now find ourselves in.

Inflation and the threat of inflation, massive U.S. Dollar devaluation and efforts to resuscitate the economy will be among the factors affecting the price of gold through the rest of 2009. The rigged stock market, regulators who should be wearing orange prison coveralls, low rates of return on U.S. Treasuries, trillions of Dollars of unpayable debt and cronyism do not inspire confidence in the average thinking American.

Therefore look for gold to continue its ascent, despite insider manipulation on the price of gold as organized by Central Banks — who not only have a monopoly on the creation of paper money, but on the martial violence that money pays for via modern, conquering armies that would make Crassus blush.

Countering the implosion of paper and digital money is the fact that only 160,000+ tons of gold have been mined in all of human history. As such, one gold bar weighing 28 pounds is worth US$ 333,000+. At 1000 per ounce and rising, gold as they say, is still “money in the bank.”

The question remains, where will all of this lead the world in terms of the price and demand of gold? Why the obsession with this metal? Some years ago, the well-known economist Milton Freidman lamented the idea of mankind placing so much value on something you merely dig up from the ground. There isn’t that much gold in the world to begin with. What can you really do with it beyond jewelry and dental work? The answer – plenty.

The people of Burma wear gold medallions around their necks as a hard currency 401 K. Gold sales are up while the American Dollar is down, Brazil just won the right to host the Summer Olympics, a gold-back Dinar may be in the pipeline and a basket of currencies may well be replacing the U.S. Dollar as the major global reserve currency. Digital gold, gold stocks, global gold mining and Latin American gold mining, as well as gold demand in India (which consumed more than 770 tons of gold in 2007) and China (360+ tons in 2007) are key issues which deserve vigilant monitoring.

The world’s thirst for gold is sure to continue. According to writer Siddharth Pani, “ Most of the Central banks, including India’s are holding gold reserves as a hedge against any fiscal crisis. In 1991 the then-Narshima Rao government had taken loan against gold to tide over the Indian fiscal crisis, which ultimately led to the opening up of Indian economy. Unless new gold mines are found in the coming years or some major Central banks sell gold, there will be shortage of Gold. Further, the cost of extracting gold is also rising.

“At this point there is a marginal surplus as far as Gold and supply and demand is concerned. This may change rapidly as more and more investors are diversifying into Gold, particularly in developed nation where gold’s penetration as an investment option is still low. Jewelry demand from countries like India and China is expected to rise over the next few years. Demand pressure will continue to increase while goldmine supplies are expected to remain steady. It is worth noting here that it takes at least a few years for a newly discovered mine to be fully operational. Even if new mines are discovered new gold supplies will take time to materialize.”

… More About Peru for Investors to Consider …

Your browser may not support display of this image. In 2006, Peru occupied a leading position in the global production of the following mineral commodities: arsenic trioxide (fourth after China, Chile, and Morocco), bismuth (third after China and Mexico), copper (third after Chile and the United States), gold (fifth after South Africa, Australia, the United States, and China), lead (fourth after China, Australia, and the United States), molybdenum (fourth after the United States, China, and Chile), rhenium (fourth after Chile, Kazakhstan, and the United States), silver (first followed by Mexico and China), tin (third after China and Indonesia), and zinc (third after China and Australia).

In Latin America, Peru was the first ranked producer of, in order of value, gold, silver, zinc, lead, tin, and tellurium and the second ranked producer of copper and molybdenum (after Chile), and bismuth (after Mexico).

In 2006, Peru’s economy benefited from high prices for mineral commodities. To date, the Government has privatized 220 state-owned firms via joint ventures and consortia in the mining and fuels industries. The firms have generated $9.2 billion, with an additional committed capital flow of about $11.4 billion, representing 17% and 21% of Peru’s GDP, respectively. Privatizations and concessions generated a committed investment of $6.9 billion (2006-2010) by mining companies such as Perú Copper Inc. for Toromocho copper project ($2.5 billion), Xstrata plc. for Las Bambas ($1 billion), Phelps Dodge Corp. for expansion of Cerro Verde copper mine ($850 million), Monterrico Metals Inc. for Rio Blanco base metals project ($800 million), Rio Tinto Limited for La Granja copper project ($700 million), Southern Copper Corporation for expansion of Ilo smelter ($400 million), Goldfields Ltd. for Cerro Corona copper-gold project ($350 million), and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce for the Bayovar phosphate project ($300 million). The Ministerio de Energía y Minas reported that of the committed investment in 2006, Peru received $1 billion for gas and $200 million for petroleum.

Petróleos del Perú (PETROPERU S.A.) was created on July 24, 1969 (law No.17753) as a state-owned entity, dedicated sequentially to transportation, refining, and commercialization of refined products and other derivatives of petroleum. The Peruvian Congress on June 2, 2004 (law No.28244) excluded PETROPERU S.A. from the privatization process and authorized its participation in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons. The state agency Perupetro S.A. was created on November 18, 1993 (law No. 26221) to be responsible for promoting investments for hydrocarbon exploration and production in the country. Perupetro negotiates, signs, and administers hydrocarbon contracts, for which PETROPERU must compete with private firms as well. In 2006, PETROPERU invested $4.5 billion in the hydrocarbon sector.


In 2006, the value of Peruvian minerals (metals, industrial minerals, and fuels) production amounted to $6.5 billion, compared with $5.1 billion in 2005. Mining and fuel production increased by 8.1% as a result of larger values of metals (7%) and fuel output (23%). The increase of mineral outputs (content) was mainly led by natural gas (77%), molybdenum (22%), gold (20%), crude oil (18%), and iron (8%), and to a lesser extent by silver and lead (4% each) compared with 2005 outputs. In 2006, metal prices were also driven upwards because of the higher consumption associated with increased world economic activity, such as in China, the United States, and other countries.

Metal production growth was mainly led by an increase in copper, iron, silver, and lead, which offset the decreased output of gold, molybdenum, and zinc. The hydrocarbon sector’s output also increased owing to the increased extraction of natural gas at Aguaytia and Camisea. Crude oil output was expected to increase as the result of the 16 new oil exploration and production contracts signed in 2006.

Mineral Trade

Peru’s mining industry, which has consistently been the country’s major foreign exchange generator since 1997, accounted for almost 61.8% ($14.7 billion) of total export revenues of more than $23.8 billion in 2006 compared with 56.3% ($9.8 billion) of total export revenues of about $17.4 billion in 2005. In 2006, Peru’s total trade balance recorded a surplus of about $8.9 billion compared with $5.3 billion in 2005, which increased by almost 68% compared with 6.6% in 2005. Peru’s minerals sector had a trade surplus of $16.2 billion compared with $11 billion in 2005.

In 2006, mining was the main exporting sector of the country. Price increases for zinc (136.5%), copper (82.6%), and gold (36%) played an essential role in the Peruvian trade balance. Almost 82% of the total minerals exported ($14.7 billion) were copper ($6 billion), gold ($4 billion), and zinc ($2 billion). Peru’s other mineral exports were molybdenum ($838 million), lead ($713 million), silver ($479 million), tin ($332 million), and iron ($256 million).

Peru’s fourth major traditional export, petroleum and derivatives, amounted to $1.6 billion in 2006 compared with $1.5 million in 2005. Peru’s total mineral exports, which included petroleum and derivatives, amounted to more than 68% of its total exports in 2006. Total mineral imports, which were mostly petroleum and derivatives, however, increased by about 34.8% to $3.1 billion compared with $2.3 billion in 2005. Total imports increased by about 21.5% to $14.7 billion compared with $12.1 billion in 2005 and generated a surplus of $2.6 billion compared with $5.3 billion in 2005. In 2006, the United States (34%), China (11%), Chile (7%), Canada (6%), and Japan (5%) were Peru’s leading mineral consumers. The United States, China, and Chile were the main importers of gold, copper, and molybdenum, respectively. Peru sold about 6% of its exports to other members of the Mercado Común Andino (ANCOM), whose members were Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela; about 3% was sold to the Mercado Común del Cono Sur (MERCOSUR) countries of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and associate members Bolivia and Chile; and 15% was sold to other Latin American countries. Peruvian mineral exports could increase if the negotiations between ANCOM and MERCOSUR lead to a South American free trade agreement and owing to the free trade agreement signed recently (2006) between the United States and Peru.



Peru’s copper output (Cu content) in 2006 was about 1.05 million metric tons (Mt) compared with almost 1.01 Mt in 2005, an increase of almost 4%. The country’s copper metal exports in 2006 totaled about 986,600 metric tons (t) valued at $6 billion, compared with 984,200 t valued at $3.4 billion in 2005; this value was 76.5% higher than that of 2005 as a result of the copper price increase to $2.829 per pound of copper in 2006 from $1.549 per pound in 2005.


In 2006, gold output was 202.8 t compared with 208 t in 2005, a decrease of 2.5%. MyS produced 81.2 t compared with 103.2 t in 2005. Other leading gold producers were Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A. (51.9 t), Madre de Dios S.A (15.8 t), Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. (7.9 t), and Aruntani S.A.C. (6.5 t). Gold exports in 2006 totaled about 6,702.1 ounces valued at $4 billion compared with 7,036.8 ounces valued at $3.2 billion in 2005; this value was 25% higher than that of 2005 as a result of the gold price increase to $605 per troy ounce in 2006 from $445 per troy ounce in 2005.


The country’s total silver content output increased to more than 3,471 t compared with 3,206 t in 2005. Peru, for the third time, surpassed Mexico’s silver output of 3,000 t in 2006. In silver output, companies, such as Aruntani, El Brocal, Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., and Volcan Compañía Minera S.A.A. were more active, and silver production was higher than last year because Minera yanacocha S.R.L. and medium-sized gold-silver mines exceeded their initial production goals. yanacocha increased its output mainly as a result of technological innovations in its gold-silver recovery process. Higher international prices allowed medium-sized mines and small producers to mine lower grade ores. Peru produced more than 313,300 t of lead in concentrates compared with about 319,400 t in 2005. Exports of silver were valued at about $479 million, respectively, compared with $281 million in 2005, respectively.

Mineral Fuels


Peru’s largest coal deposits were at Alto Chicama located in La Libertad Region. Other coal deposits occur in the Cuenca del Santa in the Marañón Region and the coal basins of Goyllarisquizga and Hatun Huasi in the Cáceres Region of central Peru. In 2006, , Peru’s recoverable coal reserves were estimated to be 1.1 billion metric tons, and coal production was relatively small (about 29,535 t) compared with an estimated consumption of more than 1.3 Mt/yr.

Natural Gas and Petroleum

In 2006, Peru’s recoverable (proven and probable) and possible crude oil, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and natural gas resources were estimated to be 6,239.1 million barrels (Mbbl); LNG 1,373.8 Mbbl; and natural gas 859 billion cubic meters (30.4 trillion cubic feet), respectively. The leading gasfields were the Aguaytia, which is located about 41 km west-northwest of Pucallpa and had proven reserves of 8.5 billion cubic meters (301 billion cubic feet) of gas and 9 Mbbl of natural gas liquids (NGL) and the Camisea gasfields in the Ucayali Basin with 250 billion cubic meters (8.7 trillion cubic feet), which included 600 Mbbl of NGL. Natural gas production increased to 1,775 million cubic meters from 1,517 million cubic meters in 2005 and was produced by Pluspetrol S.A. (59%), Aguaytia S.A. (22%), Petrotech del Perú S.A. (8%), Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobrás) (6%), and others (5%). Petrobrás through Petrobrás Energía S.A. acquired exploration and production rights for natural gas and petroleum in Lots 57 and X, respectively.

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Anthony C. Lobaido -
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peru, peruvian mines, mining, peruvian mining, copper, iron, silver, lead, zinc

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Trade In Secure World Of Warcraft Buy Gold

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Trade In Secure World Of Warcraft Buy Gold

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Trade In Secure World Of Warcraft Buy Gold

By: Wow-gold-team

About the Author has been selling cheapest virtual currency wow gold for over 3 years. Here you can buy wow gold with safe and speed. They guarantee cheap wow gold, fast delivery speed and account security.

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Article Source: In Secure World Of Warcraft Buy Gold

In World of Warcraft, players use WoW gold to buy stronger weapons, more powerful armor, level your skills up and learn trade skills. WoW players can earn gold through their trade skills, or buy it from one trustable gold provider online. However, if you’re discovered for buying wow gold, you could face consequences like having the gold removed from your account or even having your account suspended. So you need to choose a safe provider online to trade wow gold in secure.

Step 1
Research the site if it is reliable. There are many rip-off websites online now. Search for reviews of different sellers and go with the one who has the best reviews.

Step 2
Check if they offer the cheaper price. Who would like to pay more when they can get cheap wow gold? The sellers need to know what server, what faction you play and what your character’s name is, and they also require an automated phone verification.

Step 3
Pay with PayPal or another secure method that shields your credit card information. Never give your credit card or bank account information directly to a gold seller.
Step 4
Wait for the seller to make delivery. The safest delivery way is face-to-face in Org. The perfect website will delivery for you just in 15 minutes. If the seller delivers the gold on time, then it is probably safe to make a larger purchase from the site.

If you are caught buying gold, you may be suspended or even banned by Blizzard. Just remember the above tips when you decide to buy wow gold online. is a perfect website I once tried with the cheap price and also the refund policy. They can meet all the requirements I mentioned above. You can have a try if you want to trade wow gold in secure online without banned.

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Wow-gold-team -
About the Author: has been selling cheapest virtual currency wow gold for over 3 years. Here you can buy wow gold with safe and speed. They guarantee cheap wow gold, fast delivery speed and account security.


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Copyright © 2005-2010 Free Articles by, All rights reserved. has been selling cheapest virtual currency wow gold for over 3 years. Here you can buy wow gold with safe and speed. They guarantee cheap wow gold, fast delivery speed and account security.

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By: hotxueboy

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I am a professional editor from China Products, and my work is to promote a free online trade platform. contain a great deal of information about clothes in machine, welcome to visit!

(ArticlesBase SC #1910142)

Article Source: Reports Chinese Gold Industry Began To Highlight The Advantages

In recent years, international gold prices higher year by year, from 2001 to 260 U.S. dollars / ounce and gradually increased to the current 867 U.S. dollars / ounce, which on March 14 arrived in 1032 U.S. dollars once the highest / ounce, despite the recent apparent decline, but did not to change the original ascending channel.

As the international price of gold continued higher, the domestic investment boom began to set off a gold. At the same time, the scale of China’s gold industry chain is gradually being bigger and stronger. It is predicted that China’s gold production in 2008 will exceed 300 tons, in one fell swoop beyond South Africa became the world’s largest gold producer, while China’s gold consumption by leaps and bounds, is also beyond the United States, second only to India’s second-largest gold jewelry consumer market . But the sell very well behind China’s gold investment market is still in its infancy, lack of investment in gold has become China’s gateway to the world powers “short board.”

- Gold production and sales almost equal to the highest in the world

China’s gold resources have been writing a new chapter of history. Following the 2006 Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan and other areas of proven reserves of more than 650 tonnes of gold, after 2007 there has been yet discovered the five major gold deposits: Gangdise xiongcun copper and gold mine, Dachang gold mine in Qinghai, Gansu and Provincial Gannan areas Yangshan gold mine in Laizhou City, Shandong Province, Jisho gold, gold mine in Hainan hold Lun. Among them, Yangshan gold mine in Gansu Province amounted to 308 tons of gold resources, China has not adapted more than 200 tons of super-large gold deposits in the history of independent, but also for the history of China’s gold adds a brilliant stroke.

At present, China mainly rock gold mine gold resources mainly associated gold is also a larger proportion of total; deposit with a small majority, while large, very large deposits less; In addition, as more complex mining conditions are available for open-pit mining of ore deposits are few. In addition, the proportion of refractory gold resources are also larger. According to the institutional analysis predicts that the amount of China’s current gold resources in the 1.5-2 million tons, 4634 tons to maintain gold reserves, of which 2786 tons of rock gold, alluvial gold 593 tons, 1255 tons of associated gold, proven reserves ranked seventh in the world .

In recent years, the overall technological level of China’s gold industry has improved significantly. For example the use of existing technology has completely Xuanye can handle formerly called refractory gold, and can achieve a higher recovery rate. In addition, our low-grade ore processing technology has also been a great breakthrough. At present, China already has from the exploration, mining, processing to the smelting of gold as one of the specialized industrial chain, some of them have reached the international advanced level.

The past 30 years, China has built more than the size of the focus of gold mining 330, Japan and the scale of mining about 11 million tons of ore. In 2007, China’s gold output reached 270.491 tons, an increase of 12.67%. The South African gold output was 272 tons, China has overtaken the U.S. as second only to South Africa’s second largest producer of gold. 2008 gold production from January to April, compared with a year earlier increase of about 5% in the second half there will be further growth. Thus, in 2008 China will surpass South Africa as the world’s largest gold producer.

In 2007, China’s gold consumption to show strong growth momentum, including China, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, the annual sales volume of China’s gold hit a record high, reaching 363.3 tons, up 23%. In mainland China, demand for gold reached 326.1 tons, 26% higher than in 2006. Gold jewelry demand for gold jewelry market in China for 10 years, but the first time 300 tons, up 302.2 tons, become much more than the United States, second only to India’s second-largest gold jewelry market. 2007 Shanghai Gold Exchange, the accumulated turnover of 1828.13 tons of gold, an increase of 46.3%, also reached a record high since the establishment of exchange.

- China’s gold industry, began to highlight the advantages of

In recent years, China’s gold production technology continues to improve, the enterprise’s strength is also growing, gold, gold industrial system also injected new vitality companies, which are to some extent, the promotion of gold production. Meanwhile, in recent years, newly discovered gold mine of resources, but also for China to become a gold-producing power has provided a guarantee.

With the increase in gold mining smelting technology and domestic exploration capabilities, gold production growth trend is inevitable. In this regard, vice president of China Gold Association, gold investment analysts Qualifications, said Hou Huimin, director of the Committee of Experts in 1995, the first time, China’s gold production reached 100 tons, China with 13 years in 2008, gold production is expected to achieve growth in doubled, reaching 300 tons level.

While China and Australia, Peru, Indonesia and some other countries, gold production has increased, but at the same time, South Africa, the United States and other gold-producing country’s gold production was declining. In addition, because gold mining industry, long investment cycle, mining costs are high, from the historical data, the number of the world’s gold mining can not be increased rapidly. Therefore, the next few years, the world’s gold production will not change much, will still show a relatively stable situation. And may show a slight downward trend, while demand for gold has continued to increase, the pattern of short supply of gold is basically will not change. Therefore, gold prices remain high running will be the main features of the future market.

In accordance with the current pace of China’s economic development, the gold market is very wide space for future growth. As people’s living standards, China’s gold jewelry market potential will also be growing. Particularly in the next period, in accordance with macroeconomic forecasting: born in the eighties the population will be around 2007 to 2012 into the age of marriage. Therefore, the wedding is undoubtedly the gold jewelry market, one of consumption growth.

At present, the group of large gold-oriented and orderly competition, cooperation and development of the new pattern is emerging, industry concentration continues to increase. Golden State support to further enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and self-development capacity to support large dominant enterprises to further enhance the competitiveness and self-development capacity to support large dominant enterprises become stronger and bigger, encourage enterprises to play a large gold capital, technology and talent advantages, through mergers and acquisitions , restructuring and joint development, enhance the overall competitiveness of the gold industry. At the same time to actively support and encourage qualified enterprises to develop overseas gold mineral resources.

- The main factors constraining the domestic gold investment

And China’s gold production, sales surge is not directly proportional to the current investment in China’s gold market has just started, the scale is relatively small, with the true gold standard of far cry from the big powers.

According to statistics, in mid-November 2007, the British Bullion Market Association (LBMA) for gold trading accounted for 13.8% of the UK GDP, the U.S. accounted for the New York Mercantile Exchange, gold trade to the U.S. GDP, 7.26%, while the Shanghai Gold Exchange, gold trading accounted for the proportion of China’s GDP is only 0.93%.

As part of the portfolio, gold investment and risk diversification can be achieved to avoid the purpose. In addition, under the conditions of China’s trade surplus remained high, through the promotion of personal physical gold investment not only can have a “hidden gold to the people”, but will also promote gold imports, strengthening national capacity to withstand the financial crisis, the objective can ease huge foreign exchange reserve pressure.

Market participants shared the view that the current domestic gold investment market is not hot as expected, especially since the current round of global gold bull market, the domestic market, the trend has been weaker than the international market, when the international gold price upside, the domestic gold prices rose lag situation; and when the international price of gold down, the domestic gold price adjustment is even greater. Gold as Chinese investors have been the most familiar and favorite investment products, currently in the country, in-kind gold as a “pressure Xiangdi” in a steady increase in investment hedge against inflation hedge, but the volume of investment in physical gold, after all, is very limited. China’s big gold investment market, the key is to do big gold financial investment market. Beyond the physical gold and other gold investment products continued to show lack of popularity is small, in particular, investment in gold futures and other important species, with the transaction price fell, trading volume has contracted posture.

Gold for China’s investment in such goods, the current investment market in the country to develop fast, there are four main reasons: first, a faster appreciation of yuan into the channel, a direct dilution of the gold investment rate of return. Correlation with gold prices still have the greatest movements in currency exchange rates, the price of gold round the world “diving” the main reason the U.S. dollar index rebounded.

At the same time, the recent yuan broken “7″, also contributed to the weakness of domestic price of gold. Unless the international price of gold rose above the rate of yuan appreciation, investors have greater profit margins. Therefore, the expected appreciation of the renminbi, the more investors started to pay attention to the exchange rate risk.

Second, our country experienced a long era of the gold price plans at present, although the market has entered the channel, but because of the small size of the market to participate in financing of small and other reasons, China’s gold market in the world is also a lack of “pricing power”, so the domestic market trends only London, New York market in miniature, can not form the real “China price” and “China market.”

Third, China’s gold futures listed on the first day of high priced, there is almost daily limit, significantly higher than the same day international gold prices, deviated from the actual investment value. This is also involved in gold futures a burden on investors, resulting in a lot of investors just entering the market a large number of losses. Some ways, this is the investment is not rational, direct the performance of an immature market. Fourth, the domestic gold investment promotion and education is not enough, many investors are not familiar with the trading rules hastily approaching the event of a loss will leave the emotions generated is not conducive to fostering a long-term stable growth market.

- Bigger gold investment market, right time

Shanghai Gold Exchange, Shen Long-rong, chairman pointed out that, as at the end of 2007, the domestic balance of household savings more than 17 trillion yuan, a large number of bank deposit balance of personal investment offers great potential for gold. Meanwhile, the current volatile stock market Quotes, real estate market, high prices, a higher risk of the futures market, while the value of the stability of gold, with good preservation role, but also a good tool to fight inflation, so gold has joined stock , bonds, funds available to ordinary people after the choice of another important investment channels.

At present, the Shanghai Gold Exchange has attracted more than 25 million individual investors to participate in gold, individual gold trading volume of 42.05 tons. The future will be a growing huge market. In addition, opening early this year, China’s gold futures products will also be perfecting an important step in China’s gold market, but because of the primary trading opened early varieties of high prices, resulting in the loss to investors, slightly less popular.

The sector say that the future for China to compete for the world gold price the right to speak, the market to really out of the “China price”, we must rely on the “troika” common lead. Shanghai Gold Exchange in charge of the future spot gold and gold forwards, in charge of the Shanghai Futures Exchange gold futures, gold ETF in charge of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and other financial innovations, which will enable China to form a complete layout of the gold market system. Meanwhile, the Shanghai Gold Exchange, Shanghai Futures Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange constitutes the “troika” of their roles, complement each other to jointly build China’s gold market relies on a large gold production and consumption base, the venue and the balanced development of the OTC market, the world gold market, “third pole.”

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(ArticlesBase SC #1910142)

hotxueboy -
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I am a professional editor from China Products, and my work is to promote a free online trade platform. contain a great deal of information about clothes in machine, welcome to visit!


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Chinese Gold Industry Began To Highlight The Advantages

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Chinese Gold Industry Began To Highlight The Advantages

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Chinese Gold Industry Began To Highlight The Advantages

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Chinese Gold Industry Began To Highlight The Advantages

By: echo

About the Author

I am an expert from China Manufacturers, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as gpr steering stabilizer , automobile window tint.

(ArticlesBase SC #3430301)

Article Source: Gold Industry Began To Highlight The Advantages

In recent years, international gold prices higher year by year, from 2001 to 260 U.S. dollars / ounce and gradually increased to the current 867 U.S. dollars / ounce, which on March 14 arrived in 1032 U.S. dollars once the highest / ounce, despite the recent apparent decline, but did not to change the original ascending channel.

As the international price of gold continued higher, the domestic investment boom began to set off a gold. At the same time, the scale of China’s gold industry chain is gradually being bigger and stronger. It is predicted that China’s gold production in 2008 will exceed 300 tons, in one fell swoop beyond South Africa became the world’s largest gold producer, while China’s gold consumption by leaps and bounds, is also beyond the United States, second only to India’s second-largest gold jewelry consumer market . But the sell very well behind China’s gold investment market is still in its infancy, lack of investment in gold has become China’s gateway to the world powers “short board.”

- Gold production and sales almost equal to the highest in the world

China’s gold resources have been writing a new chapter of history. Following the 2006 Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan and other areas of proven reserves of more than 650 tonnes of gold, after 2007 there has been yet discovered the five major gold deposits: Gangdise xiongcun copper and gold mine, Dachang gold mine in Qinghai, Gansu and Provincial Gannan areas Yangshan gold mine in Laizhou City, Shandong Province, Jisho gold, gold mine in Hainan hold Lun. Among them, Yangshan gold mine in Gansu Province amounted to 308 tons of gold resources, China has not adapted more than 200 tons of super-large gold deposits in the history of independent, but also for the history of China’s gold adds a brilliant stroke.

At present, China mainly rock gold mine gold resources mainly associated gold is also a larger proportion of total; deposit with a small majority, while large, very large deposits less; In addition, as more complex mining conditions are available for open-pit mining of ore deposits are few. In addition, the proportion of refractory gold resources are also larger. According to the institutional analysis predicts that the amount of China’s current gold resources in the 1.5-2 million tons, 4634 tons to maintain gold reserves, of which 2786 tons of rock gold, alluvial gold 593 tons, 1255 tons of associated gold, proven reserves ranked seventh in the world .

In recent years, the overall technological level of China’s gold industry has improved significantly. For example the use of existing technology has completely Xuanye can handle formerly called refractory gold, and can achieve a higher recovery rate. In addition, our low-grade ore processing technology has also been a great breakthrough. At present, China already has from the exploration, mining, processing to the smelting of gold as one of the specialized industrial chain, some of them have reached the international advanced level.

The past 30 years, China has built more than the size of the focus of gold mining 330, Japan and the scale of mining about 11 million tons of ore. In 2007, China’s gold output reached 270.491 tons, an increase of 12.67%. The South African gold output was 272 tons, China has overtaken the U.S. as second only to South Africa’s second largest producer of gold. 2008 gold production from January to April, compared with a year earlier increase of about 5% in the second half there will be further growth. Thus, in 2008 China will surpass South Africa as the world’s largest gold producer.

In 2007, China’s gold consumption to show strong growth momentum, including China, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, the annual sales volume of China’s gold hit a record high, reaching 363.3 tons, up 23%. In mainland China, demand for gold reached 326.1 tons, 26% higher than in 2006. Gold jewelry demand for gold jewelry market in China for 10 years, but the first time 300 tons, up 302.2 tons, become much more than the United States, second only to India’s second-largest gold jewelry market. 2007 Shanghai Gold Exchange, the accumulated turnover of 1828.13 tons of gold, an increase of 46.3%, also reached a record high since the establishment of exchange.

- China’s gold industry, began to highlight the advantages of

In recent years, China’s gold production technology continues to improve, the enterprise’s strength is also growing, gold, gold industrial system also injected new vitality companies, which are to some extent, the promotion of gold production. Meanwhile, in recent years, newly discovered gold mine of resources, but also for China to become a gold-producing power has provided a guarantee.

With the increase in gold mining smelting technology and domestic exploration capabilities, gold production growth trend is inevitable. In this regard, vice president of China Gold Association, gold investment analysts Qualifications, said Hou Huimin, director of the Committee of Experts in 1995, the first time, China’s gold production reached 100 tons, China with 13 years in 2008, gold production is expected to achieve growth in doubled, reaching 300 tons level.

While China and Australia, Peru, Indonesia and some other countries, gold production has increased, but at the same time, South Africa, the United States and other gold-producing country’s gold production was declining. In addition, because gold mining industry, long investment cycle, mining costs are high, from the historical data, the number of the world’s gold mining can not be increased rapidly. Therefore, the next few years, the world’s gold production will not change much, will still show a relatively stable situation. And may show a slight downward trend, while demand for gold has continued to increase, the pattern of short supply of gold is basically will not change. Therefore, gold prices remain high running will be the main features of the future market.

In accordance with the current pace of China’s economic development, the gold market is very wide space for future growth. As people’s living standards, China’s gold jewelry market potential will also be growing. Particularly in the next period, in accordance with macroeconomic forecasting: born in the eighties the population will be around 2007 to 2012 into the age of marriage. Therefore, the wedding is undoubtedly the gold jewelry market, one of consumption growth.

At present, the group of large gold-oriented and orderly competition, cooperation and development of the new pattern is emerging, industry concentration continues to increase. Golden State support to further enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and self-development capacity to support large dominant enterprises to further enhance the competitiveness and self-development capacity to support large dominant enterprises become stronger and bigger, encourage enterprises to play a large gold capital, technology and talent advantages, through mergers and acquisitions , restructuring and joint development, enhance the overall competitiveness of the gold industry. At the same time to actively support and encourage qualified enterprises to develop overseas gold mineral resources.

- The main factors constraining the domestic gold investment

And China’s gold production, sales surge is not directly proportional to the current investment in China’s gold market has just started, the scale is relatively small, with the true gold standard of far cry from the big powers.

According to statistics, in mid-November 2007, the British Bullion Market Association (LBMA) for gold trading accounted for 13.8% of the UK GDP, the U.S. accounted for the New York Mercantile Exchange, gold trade to the U.S. GDP, 7.26%, while the Shanghai Gold Exchange, gold trading accounted for the proportion of China’s GDP is only 0.93%.

As part of the portfolio, gold investment and risk diversification can be achieved to avoid the purpose. In addition, under the conditions of China’s trade surplus remained high, through the promotion of personal physical gold investment not only can have a “hidden gold to the people”, but will also promote gold imports, strengthening national capacity to withstand the financial crisis, the objective can ease huge foreign exchange reserve pressure.

Market participants shared the view that the current domestic gold investment market is not hot as expected, especially since the current round of global gold bull market, the domestic market, the trend has been weaker than the international market, when the international gold price upside, the domestic gold prices rose lag situation; and when the international price of gold down, the domestic gold price adjustment is even greater. Gold as Chinese investors have been the most familiar and favorite investment products, currently in the country, in-kind gold as a “pressure Xiangdi” in a steady increase in investment hedge against inflation hedge, but the volume of investment in physical gold, after all, is very limited. China’s big gold investment market, the key is to do big gold financial investment market. Beyond the physical gold and other gold investment products continued to show lack of popularity is small, in particular, investment in gold futures and other important species, with the transaction price fell, trading volume has contracted posture.

Gold for China’s investment in such goods, the current investment market in the country to develop fast, there are four main reasons: first, a faster appreciation of yuan into the channel, a direct dilution of the gold investment rate of return. Correlation with gold prices still have the greatest movements in currency exchange rates, the price of gold round the world “diving” the main reason the U.S. dollar index rebounded.

    At the same time, the recent yuan broken “7″, also contributed to the weakness of domestic price of gold. Unless the international price of gold rose above the rate of yuan appreciation, investors have greater profit margins. Therefore, the expected appreciation of the renminbi, the more investors started to pay attention to the exchange rate risk.

    Second, our country experienced a long era of the gold price plans at present, although the market has entered the channel, but because of the small size of the market to participate in financing of small and other reasons, China’s gold market in the world is also a lack of “pricing power”, so the domestic market trends only London, New York market in miniature, can not form the real “China price” and “China market.”

    Third, China’s gold futures listed on the first day of high priced, there is almost daily limit, significantly higher than the same day international gold prices, deviated from the actual investment value. This is also involved in gold futures a burden on investors, resulting in a lot of investors just entering the market a large number of losses. Some ways, this is the investment is not rational, direct the performance of an immature market. Fourth, the domestic gold investment promotion and education is not enough, many investors are not familiar with the trading rules hastily approaching the event of a loss will leave the emotions generated is not conducive to fostering a long-term stable growth market.

    - Bigger gold investment market, right time

Shanghai Gold Exchange, Shen Long-rong, chairman pointed out that, as at the end of 2007, the domestic balance of household savings more than 17 trillion yuan, a large number of bank deposit balance of personal investment offers great potential for gold. Meanwhile, the current volatile stock market Quotes, real estate market, high prices, a higher risk of the futures market, while the value of the stability of gold, with good preservation role, but also a good tool to fight inflation, so gold has joined stock , bonds, funds available to ordinary people after the choice of another important investment channels.

At present, the Shanghai Gold Exchange has attracted more than 25 million individual investors to participate in gold, individual gold trading volume of 42.05 tons. The future will be a growing huge market. In addition, opening early this year, China’s gold futures products will also be perfecting an important step in China’s gold market, but because of the primary trading opened early varieties of high prices, resulting in the loss to investors, slightly less popular.

The sector say that the future for China to compete for the world gold price the right to speak, the market to really out of the “China price”, we must rely on the “troika” common lead. Shanghai Gold Exchange in charge of the future spot gold and gold forwards, in charge of the Shanghai Futures Exchange gold futures, gold ETF in charge of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and other financial innovations, which will enable China to form a complete layout of the gold market system. Meanwhile, the Shanghai Gold Exchange, Shanghai Futures Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange constitutes the “troika” of their roles, complement each other to jointly build China’s gold market relies on a large gold production and consumption base, the venue and the balanced development of the OTC market, the world gold market, “third pole.”

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I am an expert from China Manufacturers, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as gpr steering stabilizer , automobile window tint.


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Home Page > Arts & Entertainment > What to Look For in a WoW Gold Making Guide

What to Look For in a WoW Gold Making Guide

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Posted: Dec 26, 2009 |Comments: 0



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What to Look For in a WoW Gold Making Guide

By: sidana

About the Author

The internet is teeming with reliable and useful WoW gold making guides. Get latest up to date information on the best WoW gold making guides, including their availability, characteristics and features.

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Article Source: to Look For in a WoW Gold Making Guide

On their frantic search for different WoW gold making tips, players are always on a hunt for reliable help books that provide special bullion creation strategies. But, just like any other “Online Guide”, there are loads of scam sites selling bullion building guides at a very high price.

To be precise, there are numerous bullion building secrets that cannot be revealed without paying a price. That is why several strategy guides are available in the market today. These handbooks assure the best Yellow metal assembly techniques and strategies, but only few are genuine and provide authentic details, step-by-step tutorials and maps and reveal secret locations to make Yellow metal.

Players who want to learn some secret gold creation techniques must ensure they are dealing with an authentic site. The player must:

• Research the internet

• Enlist the best sites that provide excellent previews of their bullion creating guide

• Choose the most reliable and helpful site

Key Characteristics of a WoW Gold Making Guide:

• A reliable bullion creation handbook must start with the basics of earning Yellow metal, including the right character class selection, profession, skills etc.

• The handbook should provide a comprehensive list of the best bullion making professions such as herbalism, mining, farming Jewel crafting etc.

• It should give details on the best spots for Yellow metal farming.

• The handbook should also provide a detailed map with key bullion making locations.

• Additionally, the Yellow metal making guide should teach the secrets and techniques of making tons of gold every hour.

A comprehensive bullion building strategy handbook should provide few tips on buying Yellow metal from reliable sellers. It should also warn about the consequences of buying bullion if the player gets caught by the Game Master (GM).

A scam gold production guide will provide outdated information on earning WoW gold. The strategy, secrets and techniques of making Yellow metal changes with each new expansion pack release. Outdated guides do not update themselves with the changing situations and provide the same old basic techniques that even a child can do without any guides.

So, when selecting the right WoW gold building guide, please make sure you get the best up-to-date information and tips to earn bullion.

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sidana -
About the Author:

The internet is teeming with reliable and useful WoW gold making guides. Get latest up to date information on the best WoW gold making guides, including their availability, characteristics and features.

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The internet is teeming with reliable and useful WoW gold making guides. Get latest up to date information on the best WoW gold making guides, including their availability, characteristics and features.

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